American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine

To be most effective, noninvasive ventilation (NIV) ventilators should synchronize well with patients' breathing. However, the speed with which different ventilators can respond to the transitions between inspiration and expiration may vary, and abnormal respiratory mechanics and mask leaks may exacerbate this problem. This study explored synchronization using a new test lung model designed to simulate acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Thirteen ventilators were tested against different combinations of tidal volume (Vt), airways resistance (Raw), FRC, and mask leak. These combinations ranged from those of a severe exacerbation of COPD, to a mild condition reflecting the optimal triggering conditions a ventilator is likely to encounter. The triggering delays from the beginning and end of “inspiration” of the test lung, to the appropriate responses from the ventilators were measured. Three of the ventilators had trigger delays less than approximately 120 ms at both the beginning and end of expiration under all conditions. Trigger delays of other ventilators were mainly in the range of 120 to 300 ms, although exceptionally as long as 500 ms. Varying the conditions had a variable but generally small effect on triggering times, suggesting that there is a largely unavoidable element to the triggering delays intrinsic to the design of the ventilators.

Keywords: intermittent positive-pressure ventilation; obstructive lung diseases; patient acceptance of health care

Better synchronization of ventilator cycling to the activity of the patient's respiratory muscles is likely to be both more effective (1-3) and better tolerated (4). One of the most common clinical uses of noninvasive ventilation (NIV) is in acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and this is also one of the most challenging to ventilator synchronization because of the complex abnormalities of lung mechanics, often coupled with leaks from imperfectly fitting masks. As a result, very substantial degrees of dys-synchronization arise (5), which may be an important factor in NIV treatment failure.

This study was designed to compare the abilities of different ventilators to coordinate with a simulation of COPD. A new test lung model was developed that could simulate a range of conditions typical of those that might be encountered in COPD. This was then used to test 13 noninvasive ventilators. The simulated conditions ranged from those of a typical severe exacerbation of COPD to those in a relatively mild condition. The mild condition was intended to assess the synchronization that the ventilators could achieve under the “best” conditions. Whereas studies of patient/ventilator synchronization in vivo are hampered because the neural inspiratory time can only be estimated indirectly (6), the mechanical equivalent in the model was directly recorded, allowing coordination to be assessed accurately.

Further detail is given in the online data supplement.

Test Lung Model

The test lung is illustrated schematically in Figure 1. The movement of the main piston was microprocessor-controlled to generate different flow profiles. Data from the three pressure transducers, the linear transducer, and an internal electronic clock were recorded at 40 Hz.

Physiologic Parameters

Two widely differing levels of airways obstruction, 3.6 and 20 cm H2O L/min (at 60 L/min flow), were simulated using narrow tubes. FRC was set at either 3.3 or 6.3 L by connecting one of two inflexible containers to the cylinder. The mask leak was varied by closing the side port with one of three caps, with either no orifice, or an orifice of 2 mm or 4 mm in diameter. Expiration by the test lung was produced both by the action of the spring, and by active movement of the driving piston.

Three levels of severity of COPD were simulated in this study, by varying the combinations of physiologic parameters and tidal volume (Vt). Condition A (the mildest) combined the low resistance and 3.3 L FRC; condition B combined the high resistance and 3.3 L FRC; condition C combined the high resistance and 6.3 L FRC. The effect of varying the leak size was explored under condition B; at all other times the 2-mm leak was used. For each level of severity, the microprocessor controlling the piston was programmed with a movement pattern designed to generate an appropriate flow pattern and Vt at the “upper airway” (Figure 2).

Ventilators Tested

The ventilators tested (Table 1) were designed specifically for NIV, and marketed (in November 1999) for acute exacerbations of COPD.


VentilatorAbbreviation UsedPEEP (cm H2O)Sensitivity Settings AppliedExpiratory Port
Inspiratory TriggerExpiratory Trigger
Respironics BiPAP S/T 20BP 204FixedFixedSanders NRV
Respironics BiPAP S/T 30BP 304FixedFixedFixed leak
Respironics HarmonyHarmony4FixedFixedFixed leak
Respironics VisionVision4FixedFixedPlateau exhalation valve
Respironics Proportional Assist VentilationPAV4FixedFixedPlateau exhalation valve
Breas 401B4010Most sensitive50% of peak inspiratory  flow (range 10–80)”Mushroom” type
Breas 102B1024Most sensitiveMost sensitiveFixed leak
ResMed VPAP IIVPAP24FixedFixedFixed leak through mask  holes
Puritan Bennett 335PB3354Most sensitiveMost sensitiveFixed leak
Puritan Bennett OnyxOnyx4Most sensitive80% of peak inspiratory  flow (range 20–80)”Mushroom” type
Puritan Bennett AchievaAchva43 L/min (range 3–25)Most sensitive”Mushroom” type
AirMed Nippy 1Nipp100.5 cm H2OTimed cycling”Mushroom” type
AirMed Nippy 2Nipp240.5 cm H2OTimed cyclingFixed leak

Study Protocol

All ventilators were studied in spontaneous mode at their most sensitive trigger settings. Target inspiratory pressure was set at 20 cm H2O; where an obligatory expiratory pressure was required, this was set at 4 cm H2O. Adjustable inspiratory rise times were set to the most rapid settings. For Nippy 1 and Nippy 2, cycling to expiration occurs after a preset inspiratory time; therefore expiratory triggering data are not shown for these ventilators. The proportional assist ventilation (PAV) settings are detailed in the online data supplement. Each ventilator was tested on the test lung under each of five conditions A, B (at three leak sizes), and C. Data were acquired for 1 min under each condition.


The first 20 consecutive steady-state breaths in the minute were analyzed. The measurements derived from these data were the inspiratory trigger and expiratory trigger delay times. These were defined as follows. Inspiratory trigger delay time: time from onset of airflow into test lung to time that airway pressure exceeded expiratory pressure. Expiratory trigger delay time: time from onset of downward movement of piston (beginning of expiration) to onset of rapid fall of airway pressure. Trigger delays are reported as means, with 95% confidence intervals (CI).

The unassisted Vt (± SD) generated by the test lung (without a ventilator attached) were as follows: condition A, 795 ± 15 ml; condition B, 627 ± 5 ml; and condition C, 444 ± 7 ml. The inspiratory and expiratory trigger delays are shown in Figures 3 and 4. Although some ventilators triggered into inspiration rapidly, within 100 ms, several took considerably longer. The two ventilators with inspiratory triggering based on pressure change (Nippy 1 and Breas 401) had much slower inspiratory triggering times than the other devices. The triggering times generally increased under more challenging conditions, although often not to a great extent. Similarly, increasing the air leak also tended to increase triggering time slightly. However, the triggering times were reasonably consistent for each ventilator under all the conditions. Figure 5 shows the duration of inspiratory support given by each ventilator compared with the movement of the test lung piston (analogous to the volume change of the thorax in vivo). This illustrates the synchronization of the ventilator inspiratory phase with the modeled neural inspiration.

The best performing ventilators were BP 30, PAV, and Vision, followed by Harmony, PB335, and BP 20. The VPAP2 triggered well into expiration, but had a relatively poor inspiratory triggering time. Conversely, the Onyx triggered rapidly into inspiration but performed poorly on triggering to expiration, despite a favorable setting of the cycling criterion. For the two ventilators with timed inspiration, only the inspiratory triggering time could be assessed; for the Nippy 1 this delay was relatively long, and conversely, the Nippy 2 had among the shortest inspiratory trigger delays.

The findings of this study are as follows: The ability of different NIV ventilators to synchronize with the neural inspiratory time in a simulation of COPD varied substantially, and even under optimal conditions substantial delays remained for some ventilators.

Critique of the Methods: Validity of the Model

All test lung studies are limited by the difficulties in modeling human breathing, particularly in disease. The potential effects on the results of this study of a number of important limitations need to be considered.

Resistance. Airways resistance (Raw) in COPD has a complex relationship with airflow and lung volume, which makes modeling difficult. Selecting appropriate resistances for test lung studies is also complicated by the wide range of total Raw encountered in patients with COPD. This test lung study used narrow tubes to create resistance to airflow, an approach that has been widely used. The resistances chosen were 3.6 cm H2O/L/s and 20 cm H2O/L/s (measured at 60 L/min flow), as the low and high resistances, respectively. Studies of ventilated patients with COPD have often recorded inspiratory resistance (at a flow rate of 60 L/min, when stated) in the range of 10 to 25 cm H2O/L/s (1, 4, 5). Typical figures for patients with stable COPD have been measured in the range of 5 to 8 cm H2O/L/s (7), and approximately 3 cm H2O/L/s for asymptomatic smokers (8). Therefore, the high resistance reflected the fairly severe end of the range, whereas the low resistance was at the mild extreme for COPD.

Although there was a large difference between these two resistances, this had only a relatively small effect on triggering time. This can be inferred by comparing the results for conditions A and B, as a major part of the difference between these two conditions was the difference in the resistances. This suggests that even with all the limitations of resistance modeling, a more precise simulation of Raw would probably not have led to substantial differences in the results.

Flow and Vt . The flow profiles for conditions A, B, and C were intended to be broadly comparable with those observed in patients with COPD, in terms of the rates of rise and fall of inspiratory flow and the maximal inspiratory and expiratory flows. The Vt values were intended to cover a broad range from a large Vt in condition A, to a small Vt in condition C, comparable to published figures for patients with severe exacerbations of COPD. Vt in condition C (444 ml) is comparable to the mean Vt of 476 ml measured in 12 patients with hypercapnic COPD (9), and of 389 ml in 14 patients with COPD at the time of successful weaning from mechanical ventilation (10). Conversely, the Vt in condition A is at the extreme upper limit of the Vt range for COPD (approximately 2 SD higher than the mean for 28 patients with COPD) (9).

The expiratory time for our test lung was shorter than would usually be experienced in clinical practice, which could raise concerns about gas trapping and intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEPi). However, we ensured that gas trapping did not affect our results, as explained in the next section. Apart from the concern about gas trapping, the duration of expiration would not be expected to affect the performance of the ventilators studied, as they respond to events during the inspiratory rather than the expiratory phase.

Leaks. Few data are available on leak flow rates or volumes from clinical use of NIV on which to base a model. Large leaks through the mouth of approximately 1 L per breath during sleep have been recorded from patients using nasal masks (11), and at the opposite extreme, leaks of less than 100 ml per breath from around carefully adjusted, well-fitting nasal masks (12). The volume of leakage in this model averaged approximately 200 ml per breath for the 2-mm orifice and 400 ml per breath for the larger orifice, although the total volume depended on the mask pressure profile. Further details are given in the online data supplement.

The limited effect of these different leak sizes on triggering delays is perhaps surprising at first glance. The explanation is likely to be that the ventilators' cycling criteria at the beginning and end of inspiration were still met rapidly despite these added leaks. The 2-mm leak would have increased the total flow generated by the ventilators at end-inspiration, assuming a mask pressure of 20 cm H2O, by approximately 12 L/min, and the larger leak by approximately 25 L/min. If we note the rapid decrease in inspiratory flow at end-inspiration shown in Figure 6, and consider that the flow would generally have to fall to below 25% of the peak to initiate cycling to expiration in most ventilators, we can see that the change in flow at the end of modeled inspiration is so abrupt that the addition of the leak flows to this curve would have had relatively little effect on the time taken to reach the 25% of peak flow threshold, except perhaps under condition C. At the beginning of inspiration, the smaller leak would have added approximately 5 L/min to the flow with a positive expiratory pressure of 4 cm H2O, and the larger leak approximately 8 L/min at this mask pressure. However, these flows would not be expected to affect the trigger delays of the flow-triggered ventilators, which should respond to a change (increase) in inspiratory flow, rather than the absolute flow level. However, for the two pressure-cycled ventilators these leaks might cause a minor increase in the inspiratory trigger delays by slowing the decline in mask pressure. The leak flows did not induce auto-cycling in this model.

An important limitation to the validity of this model of leakage is the fixed sizes of the leaks. In patients, the dimensions of leaks between the mask and the face would increase with increasing mask pressure because of the flexibility of masks and of facial soft tissues. Therefore, this model may have overestimated the leak at the beginning of inspiration when mask pressure is low, but almost certainly underestimated the leak that can occur at the end of inspiration when mask pressure is high. The results for expiratory triggering are therefore likely to underestimate the trigger delays that can occur with large mask leaks. In particular, very large leaks may prevent the ventilator flow at end-inspiration from falling below the percentage of peak flow that is necessary to allow cycling into expiration, potentially causing major problems with coordination (13).

PEEPi. PEEPi occurs in many patients with COPD receiving ventilatory support and has an important impact on ventilator triggering into inspiration. However, in this study we aimed to compare the ventilators in a simulation in which PEEPi did not occur, as this would have complicated the interpretation of the results. We designed the test lung to avoid the occurrence of gas trapping at end-expiration. To achieve this, the expiratory phase was not passive, but involved active movement of the piston; this, and the absence of flow limitation, helped ensure that the test lung cylinder emptied well during expiration. We assessed whether PEEPi was present by recording the pressure within the test lung cylinder (with the pressure transducers proximal to the resistance), to ensure that it had returned to below the desired minimum, that is, the applied PEEP (PEEPe) level by the end of expiration. The model avoided PEEPi entirely in conditions A and B; however, in condition C a limited amount of gas trapping did occur. Therefore, to ensure that this did not affect the validity of the results of the study, inspiratory triggering delays were calculated from the onset of inspiratory flow. The onset of inspiratory flow was delayed by mean periods of between 4 and 76 ms, depending on the ventilator, from the time of reversal of the piston direction, in condition C. Further details are given in the online data supplement. Where gas trapping was observed in condition C, the level of PEEPi remained constant from breath to breath, so breath stacking did not occur.

Although this model aimed to compare the ventilators in the absence of PEEPi, the potential additional effect of PEEPi on triggering delays needs to be considered. When present, PEEPi delays the onset of inspiratory flow from the onset of inspiratory muscular activity, which further prolongs inspiratory trigger delay times for some patients. The magnitude of PEEPi is partly dependent on the extent of any expiratory trigger delay, as any shortening of the effective expiratory phase increases gas trapping (14). Therefore, those ventilators with longer expiratory triggering delays would tend to cause an increase in PEEPi, further adding to the inspiratory trigger delays.

Target inspiratory pressure. The target inspiratory pressure of 20 cm H2O was chosen as this has frequently been used in published studies of NIV in patients with acute exacerbations of COPD, particularly since the publication of two important early studies (15, 16). A range of target pressure levels has been included in other test lung studies (17– 19). In these studies, lower target pressures have tended to lead to either longer inspiratory trigger delays or little change. However, the relative performance of different ventilators has been very similar in the range of target pressures from 15 to 20 cm H2O, which are widely used in studies of NIV in COPD.

Comparison of This Study with Previous Work

Several comparisons of NIV ventilators using test lungs have been published previously (17-20). However, several important features relevant to the acute use of NIV in COPD have not previously been modeled to the extent as in this simulation. These features include high Raw, small Vt, high FRC, mask leaks, and a realistic interface between the test lung and ventilator. In the study by Bunburaphong and colleagues (17), the modeled neural inspiratory time was directly determined, so that inspiratory and expiratory delay times were measurable. For several of the ventilators studied, the trigger delay times quoted have large variances, particularly for expiratory trigger delay, suggesting that the triggering was inconsistent, and making comparisons with our work difficult. However, where reproducible triggering times were obtained, they were broadly comparable with those in this study. The five ventilators included in each of the studies (BP 20, BP 30, VPAP2, Onyx, PB335) performed similarly with respect to each other with both test lungs.

Previous test lung studies have explored a number of other features of NIV ventilators in addition to inspiratory and expiratory trigger delays. Some of these features, such as the “patient” work of triggering to initiate inspiration, and the imposed work during expiration are heavily dependent on the triggering times. Features that have been studied that are independent of triggering times are the rate at which the inspiratory pressure rises, a function of the power of the ventilator, and the extent of carbon dioxide rebreathing, a function of the system employed to clear exhaled gases. Although there is some evidence that rapid pressure rise times reduce patient work (21), too rapid rates may be uncomfortable. Furthermore, fast pressure increases may lead to particularly high peak inspiratory flows, which may lead to premature termination of inspiration when the fixed percentage criterion for expiratory cycling is reached (22). For those ventilators where the rise time was adjustable, the fastest rates were used in this study on the assumption that these were likely to be associated with the shortest trigger delays.

The extent of carbon dioxide rebreathing with different ventilators has been extensively studied (23, 24), and separate expiratory lines have been shown to improve carbon dioxide clearance.

Source of the Trigger Delays

The different trigger delays identified in this study could arise either from differences in the algorithms that control cycling, or from differences in the electrical and mechanical processes in the ventilators. Some information is available on the cycling criteria for NIV ventilators. In general, cycling to inspiration is triggered by increases in flow of the range 1 to 5 L/min, or decreases in mask pressure of 0.5 to 1 cm H2O. Cycling to expiration is generally triggered by a fall in inspiratory flow to below a given percentage of maximum, often 25%, or to a percentage set by the operator (or after a given time interval for two of the ventilators, Nippy 1 and Nippy 2). If the ventilators' trigger delays arose solely from the time taken to meet these cycling criteria, then all the ventilators would have been expected to have quite similar trigger delays, all less than approximately 50 ms under the conditions in this study. As the trigger delays for any given ventilator remained broadly similar under the different conditions modeled, it is likely that most of this time is determined by the ventilator's physical ability to respond to changing conditions, rather than the stated algorithms per se.

Clinical Implications

The objective of NIV in acute COPD is to normalize the load on the respiratory muscles, as far as is possible (22), by sharing the work of the breath between the patient and the ventilator. To achieve this, the ventilator needs to contribute to the work of the breath throughout inspiration. A long inspiratory trigger delay will leave the inspiratory muscles unassisted at the beginning of inspiration, and may even impose significant isometric-like pressure loads during this period (22). An important implication of prolonged expiratory trigger times is that as the time available for expiration is shortened, lung emptying may be incomplete, leading to increased dynamic hyperinflation, PEEPi, and adding further to the work required to trigger the next ventilator breath (4, 25). Expiratory muscle recruitment may also occur if ventilator inspiration continues into expiration. The use of timed inspiration has been suggested as a way of avoiding these problems (13). In addition to the physiologic problems that result from poor synchronization, it is likely that the sensations that result from dys-synchrony are uncomfortable (4). This may be an important factor in NIV treatment failure in anxious, ill patients.

Future Developments

Future studies need to assess the extent to which better synchronization improves the effectiveness and tolerability of NIV for COPD in a clinical setting. Future ventilators should aim to have better electrical and mechanical response characteristics, and cycling algorithms need to be more complex with multiple cycling criteria to ensure close synchronization. Including inspiratory duration criteria in addition to flow criteria would be a relatively easy way of ensuring effective triggering to expiration when large mask leaks are present. In addition to improving synchronization, the design of future ventilators also needs to address the issue of matching the support throughout each inspiration more closely to what the patient requires (22).


Many of the ventilators available for NIV in acute exacerbations of COPD have long trigger delay times. The extent of these delays is to some extent related to the physiology of the modeled patient. However, most of the delay time appears to be due to the physical properties of the ventilators.

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Correspondence and requests for reprints should be addressed to Dr. Ian M. Stell, Accident and Emergency Department, Bromley Hospital, Cromwell Avenue, Bromley, Kent, BR2 9AJ, UK. E-mail:

This article has an online data supplement, which is accessible from this issue's table of contents online at


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